Online mode of education during COVID -19 lockdown : Challenges and opportunities

  • JAYATEERTHA.R. DIWAN Associate Professor, Dept. of GPB, College of Agriculture, Raichur
  • D. M. CHANDARGI Director of Extension and PI, NAHEP Project, UAS, Raichur
  • A. PRABHURAJ Professor and Head, Dept. of Agril. Entomology, College of Agriculture, Raichur
  • M. G. PATIL Director of Education, UAS, Raichur
Keywords: Cisco, Classroom, Microsoft, Online education, Zoom


The advancements in the information technology is helping education sector, which was evident during the Covid-19, lockdown period. To continue the process of teaching and learning, the students and teachers engaged through onlineplatforms viz., Zoom, Google meet, Cisco webex, Microsoft team. The student attendance for most of the classes is above90%. The lecture notes shared through WhatsApp. The students faced little bit of problem regarding internet connectivity asthey need to move around their homes wherever mobile signals are there.