Current Scenario of Virtopsy of Head and Neck.
Autopsy, CT, virtopsy, postmartum, forensic.
Virtopsy has been discussed lately as a new era over the traditional autopsy. In numerous published literatureVirtopsy has been reviewed. Authors have discussed different techniques used, advantages and disadvantages. But only a few cases have been reported using this technology and limited studies have been done predominantly related to the virtopsy of head and neck (VHN). This paper focuses on the cases particularly related to head and neck region that have been actually elucidated through virtopsy around the world and the studies were particularly done in head and neck region. In this paper, possibilities have been looked to replace the buccal autopsy, by virtopsy, in the times to come. Furthermore, the status of VHN in India is discussed. The real scenario of this latest advancement.
Research Article
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