Role of Palmer Dermatoglyphics in Essential Hypertension in Dentistry
Essential hypertension, Palmer dermatoglyphics , Mean atd angle
Introduction: Hypertension is a common disease encountered in dentistry. It has terrible consequences, so dentist role in screening undiagnosed and undertreated hypertension is very important to evaluate risk assessment which may lead to improved monitoring and life-long treatment. So this study is carried out with the objective to find the correlation of palmer dermatoglyphics with essential hypertension. Material and methods: Group 1 was the study group of essential hypertensive male 50 in number with age range between 40-65 years patients with inclusion criteria of informed consent of history of hypertension. Group 2 was the control group of male 50 in number matched for gender, age, life style and economic status as that of patients were selected. Dermatographical parameters included in the study are finger tip ridge pattern of all five digits (arch, loop, whorl), Angles (atd, adt, dat) and palmar dermatoglyphic pattern (interdigital and hypothenar areas). Results: Patient have significantly more whorls and lees loop in comparison with control of the right hand. The decreased 'atd'angle is observed in patient in comparison with control in both right and left hand respectively and absent pattern in hypothenar area of left hand is found more in patient as compare to controls. Conclusion: Palmer Dermatoglyphics shows a certain positive association with hypertension. It can be as an adjunctive screening biomarker for early detection of essential hypertension which will be helpful in avoiding complication such as acute complications such as cardiac arrest or stroke in various dental surgical procedures
Research Article
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