A Study on Occupational Stress among Teachers of Higher Secondary Schools in Nagappattinam District

  • K. Saravanan Research Scholar, Commerce, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy-17, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K. MuthuLakshmi Associate Professor, Commerce, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy-17, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Stress, Role stress, Occupational stress, Higher secondary schools teacher


The aim of the study is to find out the occupational stress level of government and private higher secondary school teachers living in different environmental situations. The scale used in the study has been developed by researches. 60 private school teachers and 60 government teachers have participated in the present study. At the end of the study, it was seen that private school teachers have less occupational stress levels than government school teachers. There is a meaningful difference in the stress level points of government and private higher secondary teachers. Policy-makers are advised to analyse the teacher training and assessment system with the assumption that personal and social characteristics and working conditions may have an effect on teacher occupational stress. Sample teachers were selected by using simple random sampling from three segments by using lottery method because of easy accessibility and affordability analysed by using statistical package of simple percentage.