A Note on A±ne Motion in a Birecurrent Finsler Space

  • P N Pandey Department of Mathematics University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
  • Suresh K Shukla Department of Mathematics University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
Keywords: Recurrent Finsler space, Birecurrent Finsler space,Contra vector ¯eld, Concurrent vector ¯eld, A±ne motion.


Several authors discussed a±ne motion generated by contra, concurrent, special concircular, recurrent, concircular and torse forming vector ¯elds in spe- cial spaces such as recurrent, birecurrent and symmetric Riemannian and Finsler spaces. The ¯rst author [20-22] for the ¯rst time obtained the necessary and su±cient conditions for the above vector ¯elds to generate an a±ne motion in a general Finsler space. Recently Surendra Pratap Singh [26] discussed a±ne motion in a birecurrent Finsler space. The aim of this paper is to generalize the results of Surendra Pratap Singh.