On Certain Subclasses of Meromorphic Functions with Positive Coefficients involving Generalized Liu-Srivastava Operator

  • N B Gatti PG Studies in Mathematics, Govt Science College,Chitradurga - 577501, Karnataka, India
  • N Magesh PG and Research Department of Mathematics,Government Arts College (Men) Krishnagiri - 635001, Tamilnadu, India
  • J Jothibasu PG and Research Department of Mathematics,Government Arts College (Men) Krishnagiri - 635001, Tamilnadu, India
  • S Murthy PG and Research Department of Mathematics,Government Arts College (Men) Krishnagiri - 635001, Tamilnadu, India
Keywords: Meromorphic functions, Hadamard product (or convolution), meromorphic starlike functions, meromorphic convex functions, Liu-Srivastava operator.


In this paper, making use of the generalized Liu-Srivastava operator, we introduce and study a new subclass ΣP ( α;β; ; λ; k) of meromorphically univalent functions. We obtain the coefficient estimates, distortion bounds, extreme points, radii of meromorphically starlikeness and convexity for functions in the class ΣP (α;β;γ; λ, k): Furthermore we obtain the partial sums for the same.