Linear Gauge and the Linearization Problem for Webs

  • Michel Nguiffo Boyom I3M, UMR CNRS 5149, Departement de Mathematiques et de Modelisation, Universite Montpellier2, Montpellier, France,
Keywords: KV-algebras, twisted KV -modules, twisted KVcohomology, twisted KV-homology, Spectral sequence, locally flat manifolds


Regarding the theory of foliation, some aspects of the theory of Riemannian foliations have been brought in completion by the Molino theory. Such a structure is defined by some finite dimensional Lie subalgebra of the Lie algebra of transverse vector fields. The problem I am interested in is more modeste. It is to get sufficient conditions for a smooth manifold admitting foliations with transverse (pseudo) Riemannian metrics. The investigation is inspired by both methods of information geometry and the Hessian geometry.