Some Anisotropic Dark Energy model in Five Dimensional Bianchi Type-V Space-time

  • R K Jumale Kaveri Nagar, Yavatmal road, Darwha, Yavatmal-445202,
  • I S Mohurley Department of Physics, Shri Dnyanesh Mahavidyalaya, Nawargaon-441223, M.S., India
  • D H Gahane Department of Physics, N. H. College, Bramhapuri, Distt- Chandrapur, India
  • Jyotsna Jumale R.S.Bidkar College, Hinganghat, Distt. Wardha, India
Keywords: Five dimensional Bianchi-V-space-time, Fivedimensional Hubbles Parameter, Deceleration parameter, Anisotropic Dark energy, Dynamical energy density, Dark energy having energy density


Five dimensional Bianchi type-V space-time has been considered with the introduction of four different skewness parameters along spatial directions to quantify the deviation of pressure from isotropy. We have assumed that the four skewness parameters are time dependent to study the anisotropic nature of the dark energy which has the dynamical energy density. For the phantom model it is found that the Universe achieves the flatness. The physical properties of the Universe has also been discussed in this paper.