On LP-Sasakian Manifolds satisfying Certain Curvature Tensors

  • B Prasad Department of Mathematics S. M. M. T.(P. G.) College, Ballia-277001(U.P.), India
  • R.P S Yadav Department of Mathematics S. M. M. T.(P. G.) College, Ballia-277001(U.P.), India
Keywords: LP-Sasakian manifolds, W2-Curvature, Projective Curvature


The object of the present paper is to study some curvature condition on LPSasakian manifolds which satisfy P.W _2 = 0, W_2. W_2 = 0, L. W_2 = 0, W_2.L = 0, W_2.W_2 = 0 and W_2. R = 0