Application of low-cost soil-moisture sensors for irrigation management

  • Amit Kumar ICAR-Agriculture Engineering Division, ICAR No. New Delhi-110012
  • Om Prakash ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342003
  • Man Mohan Deo ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208024
  • Pawan Jeet ICAR- Research Complex for Eastern Research, Patna-800014
Keywords: Irrigation Management, Soil-Moisture, Sensor, Irrigation Scheduling


Efficient irrigation management can improve yield, grain quality, conserve water and energy, and reduce soil nutrient loss. As a result, groundwater pollution can also be reduced. Irrigation scheduling using soil moisture sensors is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve irrigation efficiency. Thus, using appropriate water in an efficient irrigation management system based on monitoring makes it easier to conserve natural resources. In order to apply the right amount of water to the crops, the water requirement can be estimated from the current moisture level conditions in the soil around the plants. This lets the farmer know when and in what quantity of water to be used for irrigation.