Role of National Service Scheme (NSS) Programs in Developing Moral Values among College Students

  • Basant Kumar Sonber .
  • Suresh Kumar Patel .
  • Mona Makhija .
Keywords: Education, Values, NSS, Moral values


Values are an integral element of our existence. Values connect each individual to the social, cultural, and philosophical climate of the society and represent the culture’s dynamic nature. There are different kinds of values, including universal, social, cultural, spiritual, and aesthetic values. The present study examines the role of the National Service Scheme (NSS) programs in developing moral values among college students. The sample selected for the present study consisted of 250 students from 11 colleges in different blocks of Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India. The subjects’ moral values were measured by the Moral Values Test constructed by Dubey(2009). Results indicated that NSS students are better at moral values than non-NSS students.
Research Article