Socio – Cultural Differences Between Rural and Urban Women Entrepreneurs

  • Yash Rathi Learning and Organization Development Specialist Ford India Private Limited
  • Sameer Pingle Associate Dean SBM, NMIMS Indore Campus
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurs, Social, cultural, Socio – cultural Influences.


In India, it is important to empower women through entrepreneurship for women development, economic growth and social stability. Women, in India, despite struggling with the social shackles are becoming economically independent. The social norms relating to the status of Women range from outright taboos against working outside the home to pressures which discourage women from being involved in self –employment or entrepreneurial ventures. According to the Patriarchal system that prevails in India, males have the power over women through control of property and household income. Since female economic independence is limited in these societies, this automatically leads to their lower status in relation to men. Hence, the cultural structures are rigid dividing the roles and spheres of men and women. The typical divide is that of roles restricted within the household for women and outside the home for men. In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness for the disadvantaged status of women and the need to promote social equality and recognition of women as equal partners with men in development. As a response to this awareness, several studies and action programmes at the international, national and regional levels have been carried out or are on – going, to identify and assess problems and evolve policies and measures for their solution. As a result, there is a clear perception now of the nature and magnitude of the basic issues inhibiting women’s role in society and their development. This paper highlights, how despite lacking qualification and yet becoming entrepreneurs to achieve economic independence is perceived differently in urban as well as rural areas. Further, how the social as well as cultural factors differ for the women entrepreneurs in both urban as well as rural areas is captured in this particular study.

Research Article