Plants and Ecosystem 2021-11-03T17:08:36+01:00 Riyad [email protected] Open Journal Systems <section> <h2 class="under-mark">Plants and Ecosystem</h2> <p>Plants and Ecosystem is an open access journal which means all contents of the journal are freely available for everyone in accordance with BOAI open access definition and guidelines. Users are allowed to read, download, distribute, print, or share the full texts of articles from this journal without prior permission from the publisher or the authors. The journal follows the ethical publishing guidelines defined by different renowned international organizations. Besides, manuscripts are invited from all branches of plant science, plant ecology and ecosystems. Most of the manuscripts usually come from fundamental to applied plant sciences, but it also welcome any interesting manuscripts including plant or plant parts as model species. However, the journal expects all coming manuscripts with scientific quality, language coherence and current or future significances of the findings.</p> </section> Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Plant Sciences Research 2021-11-03T17:03:51+01:00 CHANDRIKA NANAYAKKARA [email protected] The current world needs to use modern technologies in plant science research due to increasing food requirements, and to cope up with global climate changes (1). Consequently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies are considered as the most recent and advanced research tools in every sector of science. Biological researches are also making progress surprisingly due to the assistance of AI affiliated tools directly or indirectly. Nowadays, plant physiology to genomic manipulation has witnessed, how it is easier and accurate than previous (2). Moreover, continuous monitoring of plants' growth, growing media, and relevant surroundings were time and labor-consuming in the past; even, the obtained results were erroneous somewhat. Data processing and analysis were based on individual performances of the participated researchers; surprisingly, the scenarios have been changed after the emergence of AI (3). 2021-10-10T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Performance Test of Three Supporting Media during Outdoor Hydroponic Farming of Onion 2021-11-03T17:04:14+01:00 IRANI KHATUN [email protected] ISHITA HAIDER [email protected] SUBROTO K. DAS [email protected] RIYAD HOSSEN [email protected] This study used different supporting media (poly-styrene sheet, sand, and gravel) during outdoor hydroponic farming of onion within a natural environment setup. Domestic onion variety Taherpuri was taken as a model onion plant. As for performance parameters, plant height, number and length of leaf, length of root, bulb weight, number of bulblet, and chlorophyll contents were recorded. The number of produced leaves was almost same, although the length of leaf and root was found to have variations in these three supporting media. The yield (weight of bulb and number of bulblet) performance was slightly higher in polystyrene sheets (7.74 g and 3 bulblets per plant) than in the others. Chlorophyll-a, Chlorophyll-b, and total chlorophylls were comparatively higher in polystyrene sheets, 0.530, 0.764, and 1.294 mg/g respectively. Other growth parameters also showed better results in the case of polystyrene sheets. Finally, the results suggested that the polystyrene sheet as a hydroponic floating bed is suitable for outdoor hydroponics for onion cultivation. 2021-10-10T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Genetic Divergence among Populations of Invasive Alien Species Lantana camara L. from Selected Areas of Bangladesh 2021-11-03T17:04:22+01:00 SAILA KABIR [email protected] MD ABUL KASHEM [email protected] MOHAMMAD ZABED HOSSAIN [email protected] Lantana camara L., a well-known invasive alien species causing invasion and posing threat to native plant species community in different regions of Bangladesh. The present study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of L. camara populations in different regions of Bangladesh. Eight RAPD markers were used in order to probe into its genetic variability. Total number of bands (202), polymorphic loci (104), per-centage of polymorphism (97.20%), average Shanon’s information index (0.3051±0.115), Nei’s gene diversity (0.4733±0.144) was found and in different populations and multiple divergent genetic clustering along with presence of unique alleles (4) for RAPD revealed high genetic diversity among the populations of L. camara in different regions of Bangladesh. 2021-10-10T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A Mini Review on Microalgae Biomass Production: Recent Progress in Cultivation Systems 2021-11-03T17:06:22+01:00 ISMAIL RASEL [email protected] SAYDUL KARIM [email protected] Single-celled photosynthetic microscopic algae (microalgae) have numerous significances for human wellbeing. From medicine to fuel industry these tiny organisms have tremendous potentials and in future they would be game changer to mitigate global warming and environmental pollutions. The current production cost is a matter of consideration during its applications. Scientists all over the world are trying to reduce the production costs as well as to develop new or improve the existing culturing methodologies and techniques. Open pond and closed pond (PBRs) culturing system are two most prominent ways to culture microalgae. Open pond culturing techniques for microalgae have several advantages over closed pond system such as low operational costs and easy to make. However, the main drawback of this system is contamination by other microorganisms, which is possible to control in closed pond system. Among the many types of PBRs systems, the advanced tubular PBRs presently considered as more useful than open pond culture system. To meet the minimum production costs, more research is needed on both the culturing systems. 2021-10-10T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Traditional Practices, Formulations and Dosages of Medicinal Plants: A Survey in Faridpur District of Bangladesh 2021-11-03T17:08:07+01:00 RACHANA SIKDER [email protected] Nature is a storehouse of enormous remedies and plants, as a part of nature, have a long history of cured different ailments of human beings. The present ethnobotanical survey found that the people of Faridpur district preferred a total of 26 plant species for their traditional healthcare systems. The recorded plant species were belongs to 22 families, and only Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Piperaceae families possess more than one species to use. As for plant habits, 62% of species on the list were herbaceous and tree. Leaves and fruits were mostly useable parts as traditional medicines. The highest number of ailments for traditional practice was found related to skin problems (19%) following external injury (15%) and stomach related problems (13%). The amount of dosages and the mode of application also were included in this report. In total 52 traditional practices with 7 new records from Bangladesh were listed. Moreover, the new generations were found to be comparatively less interested in traditional health care systems than the older people. It was the first attempt to explore the traditional values of some medicinal plants with their mode of applications from this region. 2021-10-10T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Temperature Effect on Seed Germination Performance of a Local Variety of Onion in Bangladesh 2021-11-03T17:08:36+01:00 IRANI KHATUN [email protected] RIYAD HOSSEN [email protected] Seed germination performance test of Taherpuri onion (a local variety of onion) under six different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C) was the main goal of this experiment. Germination percentage (GP) was calculated at highest 60.25% at 25°C, and the highest germination rate 20.08 was observed in the same temperature condition. The lowest germination performance (13.25 % germi-nation and 3.32 seeds per day as germination rate) was found at 40°C temperature. Finally, the authors mentioned the temperature 20 to 30°C as optimum range, and suggested the temperature 25°C as best suited for obtaining highest results in case of both germination percentage and germination rate of these seeds. To produce maximum seedlings of the local variety of onion, the mentioned temperature should be followed by the local farmers. 2021-10-10T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##