Non-chemical management of stem rot disease of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.)

  • Manjeet Kaur Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India
  • Ashlesha Atri Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India
  • Daljeet Singh Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India
Keywords: Botanicals, Egyptian clover, Management, Organic inputs, Stem rotResearch article


Stem rot of Egyptian clover ( L.) is considered as one of the major constraints for green Trifolium alexandrinumfodder and seed yield. Berseem stem rot is incited by a soil borne pathogen . Botanical Sclerotinia sclerotiorumextracts of , , , neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) and organic Aegle marmelos Melia azedarach Murraya koenigiiproducts like panchagavya, compost tea and poultry manure were evaluated for the management of stem rot disease. Botanical extracts were applied as foliar spray and seed treatment as well and organic inputs were applied as soil application and foliar spray. Among botanicals, application of showed a significant A. marmelosreduction in stem rot by 54.50% with 24.20% increase in green fodder yield. Among organic inputs, application of panchagavya significantly controlled the stem rot disease by 46.15% and enhanced the green fodder yield by 21.30% than untreated control. Application of panchagavya followed by leaf extracts along A. marmeloswith significant disease control also enhanced green fodder yield during both seasons. Average disease control attained by application of panchagavya and was 54.50 and 46.15% and enhanced green A. marmelos fodder yield was 24.20 and 21.30%, respectively. The current study showed that plant extracts and organic inputs have potential for the management of stem rot of berseem.