Growth of Individualizing Web Services using APIs: REST and SOAP

  • Abhijit Banubakode MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai, India
  • Priya Chore MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Postman, Protocol, REST, SOAP, Tomcat, Web Service.


Web Services are a collection of open protocols and standards that enable clients and servers to connect with one another. It allows various programmes to communicate with one another. Representational State Transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) are the two most extensively utilized web services today (SOAP). REST is an architectural approach, whereas SOAP is an underlying protocol. Both services are used to manage internet communication (www). Both services have advantages and downsides, and it is up to the web developer to decide which the better option is for their purposes. The purpose of this research is to construct a REST API and a SOAP API, respectively, using JAX-RS and JAX-WS, and to compare the two APIs.


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