A Review of Different Fuzzy Models to Evaluate Vehicular Traffic System

  • Jitesh P Tripathi Department of Mathematics, Raj Narain College, (B. R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur), Hajipur, Bihar, India
  • Dharmendra Kumar Department of Mathematics, Raj Narain College, (B. R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur), Hajipur, Bihar, India
  • Udaya P Singh Department of Mathematics, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Fuzzy, Fuzzy-logic controller, Signal Control, Fuzzy Signal Control System (FSCS), Membership Function (MF).


These days, the number of vehicles is increasing due to population growth. Consequently, the traffic delay and congestion are growing fast and being a major problem in the world. Due to this traffic problem, our daily life is affected and we have to face many problems such as pollution, accidents, delay in services, wastage of time & money, etc. The improvement of traffic system performance by the traditional control system is difficult. So, this paper includes a review of different methods which are used to develop a Fuzzy-logic controller (FLC) to solve road traffic problems. In this paper, the comparison of various methods is given with the advantages and disadvantages of each method.


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