Experimental Investigation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Including Metakoline
As construction is increasing day by day in last decade, it is concerned for processing of waste material with the help of recent technology. The current study investigated the effect of metakoline (MK) on mechanical properties of RAC. The current study presents the experimental results of Recycled aggregate (RA) with different percentage 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% in concrete replaced by natural coarse aggregate. Casting of cube, beam, cylinder mould has been done. In addition to this replacement of cement partially with MK also has been introduced. The flexural strength, compressive tensile strength and split tensile strength of M-30 and M-25 have been determined and also there design mix has been prepared. The results show good effect up to 60% aggregate replacement but on further increases the replacement ratio of aggregate, strength decreases. Therefore sustainable concrete may be produced to make environment safe and eco-friendly