Determining the Thermal Insulation Thickness for Flat Roofs of Buildings in Jalalabad City Considering Different Seasons

  • Akhtar Mohammad Shenwari Department of Architecture Engineering, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan
  • Mohammad Essa Tanha Department of Civil Engineering, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan
  • Zalmay Khaliqi Department of Civil Engineering, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan
Keywords: Flat Roofs, Heat Transfer Ability, Heat Transfer General Coefficient, Thermal Insulation layer, Thermal Resistance, and Thermal Inertia.


This research was carried out under the title of Selection of Thermal Insulation Thickness for Flat Roofs in Jalalabad City in Different Seasons. The main purpose of this study is to determine the thickness of different thermal insulation materials in the structures according to the winter and summer climate conditions to ensure that the economically appropriate thickness of thermal insulation materials is selected in the flat roofs, and the selection of the thickness of the thermal insulation materials in the structure of the flat roofs is noticed by urban planners, structural engineers, and building owners. In addition, another importance of this research is that, based on the determination of the thickness of thermal insulation materials in the flat roofs of buildings, we can sufficiently reduce the consumption of gas, electricity, and natural fuel to provide mechanical energy in buildings in Jalalabad city. In this study, three samples of flat roofs from the buildings constructed in Jalalabad city were considered. In the first sample, cement plaster, RCC slab, Vapor insulation(bitumen), heat insulation extrude polystyrene, cement concrete, and ceramics were used. In the second sample cement plaster, reinforced concrete, vapor insulation (batmen), heat insulation mineral Faber block and waterproof PVC sheet, were used, and also in the third sample, gypsum plaster, cement plaster, reinforced concrete slab, vapor insulation (batmen) heat insulation dry soil (silt) and bricks of chukka, have been used respectively. The thickness of the different thermal insulation materials of flat roofs mentioned above in the three samples should prevent the loss of heat transfer from outside to inside in summer and from inside to outside in winter. With the help of reliable works of the world, it has been calculated that from the three samples mentioned above, the thickness of the thermal insulation material of the first sample, where polystyrene was used as the insulation material, is 0.055m; for the second sample, where mineral cotton boards were used as insulation material, it is 0.05 m; and for the third sample, where silt was used as insulation material, it is 0.1m. Insulation materials used in the second sample are superior considering the type and thickness of the material, technical-economical characteristics, and age characteristics.


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