Up-gradation of Khoa Production and Preservation Technologies

  • Mahesh Kumar Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar-125001
Keywords: Milk; Khoa; Khoa Making Process; Khoa Preservation; Khoa Shelf Life.


India is the largest milk producing nation in the world. Milk is perishable in nature, thus it can not be stored for a very long period. In order to preserve it, more than half of milk produced in India is converted into a variety of traditional value added milk products which played a significant role in the Indian economy. Khoa is a heat desiccated value added indigenous milk product. Due to its large scale consumption about six lakh tones of khoa is being manufactured annually, which is equivalent to seven percent of India’s total milk production. In this article, the brief overviews on traditional method of khoa making, technological up-gradation in khoa making process, energy requirements, shelf life, and storage of khoa are presented.


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