Optical imaging of aqueous humor to diagnose premature diabetes mellitus

  • Anil K. Gupta Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (India).
  • C. L.P. Gupta Department of Computer Science, SMS Institute of Technology, Lucknow (India)
  • Alok Singh Department of Physics, Pranveer Singh Institute and Technology, Kanpur, India.
  • P. Bharti Department of Physics, Pranveer Singh Institute and Technology, Kanpur, India.
Keywords: Polarimeter, Mueller polarization matrix, Aqueous humor.


In this investigation, a comparative study of the transmitted two dimensional16 Mueller polarization matrix element images, based upon the measurement of the glucose concentration in an aqueous humor sample using a polarimeter have been reported. The glucose solution and aqueous humor have been illuminated with a He-Ne (632.8 nm) laser in the vitro measurement. It is concluded that the images obtained by transmitted Mueller polarization matrix in forward direction are capable of giving information about the variation in polarization patterns to measure normal glucose level, impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and diabetes mellitus.


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