Seismic Analysis of A High Rise RCC Building Using Different Types of Bracing System Considering in Different Earthquake Zones

  • Chungkham Jinita Devi .
  • Avinash S Deshpande .
Keywords: Base shear, Bracing system, ETABS,Response spectrum method, Timehistory method


High rise buildings that are made of RCC frames are affected by lateral loads such as wind and earthquake. The Indian-subcontinent is affected mostly by severe to medium intensities earthquake every decade, hence all the buildings located in earthquake-prone areas as defined by IS:1893-2016 should be properly designed for lateral loads and stresses resulting out of the earthquake. In order to resist the lateral loads acting on the building, different types of RCC-bracing or steel-bracing can be used. The bracing system in RCC building helps in increasing the stiffness and strength and keep a structure standing. The use of RCC bracing has advantageous properties than other bracing systems in terms of higher stiffness and stability. This study is based on seismic analysis of the RCC building frame with an inverted V-type bracing system.For this study, multi-storeyed building is assumed to be located at the different seismic zone that is Zone-III, Zone-IV, and Zone-V as per the seismic zone map of India. The building frame is modeled as per IS-1893-2016 using ETABS-2016. Dynamic analysis aw well as the static analysis, is done using equivalent static, Response spectrum, and Time history method. Results are obtained by considering the parameters such as base shear, story displacement, story drift, and story shear.


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