Hydro Geomorphological Studies of Tattekere Watershed Using Remote Sensing and GIS

  • Ramakrishna . .
  • D S Jagadeesha .
Keywords: Hydro geomorphology, Thematic layer, Water bearing zone, Electromagnetic spectrum, RS and GIS


The Tattekere watershed belongs to Periyapatna and Hunsur taluks in which this watershed area contains hills, piedmont zones, dikes, plains, and lineaments. The hydrology depicts the lineaments, command region, rainfed area. Wet land map contains water bodies like streams, tanks and hydrosoils Dykes in the study area acts as a groundwater barrier in which the upstream of the dyke region contains a good groundwater prospect zone at the same time the downstream of the dyke having less or nill groundwater prospect zone. Hills and piedmont zones are ground water recharge area and plains and lineaments are ground water discharge areas. Hydrology depicts command region and rainfed region. Wetland map contains streams, tanks and hydrosoils. All the above said different types of hydrogeomorphic zones have been prepared using the survey of India toposheet numbers 57D/3, 57D/4, 57D/7 and 57D/8 , remote sensing data, and GIS. Remote sensing data is a very strong tool to identifying different types of thematic maps. GIS is highly helpful for merging different thematic maps to predict the ground water prospective zones. The maps contain both spatial and non spatial data. Hydrogeomorphological maps are very useful to tap both surface and groundwater and helpful for present and future water resource management. The evaluation of water resources based on the different thematic maps like Hydro geomorphology map, soil map, slope map land use/landcover map, and drainage map. Availability of water and soil characterization of the study area is helpful for proper utilization of water for different purposes like domestic, agricultural, fores,t and land use land cover pattern improves the ecological balance and biodiversity.


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