Traffic Growth Rate Estimation Using Transport Demand Elasticity Method: A Case Study of Sastapur – Narayanpet Stretch

  • Aarathy S M Tech Student, Transportation Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park, Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore.
  • Amaranatha G. A Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park, Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore.
Keywords: AADT, ADT, Capacity, Socio economic variable, Traffic growth rate, Transport demand elasticity.


Road network plays a key role in the development of a country. For improving and developing the highways for better national economy, traffic forecasting is significant. The knowledge about the present and future traffic flow will help in the planning and designing of the road. Therefore estimation of traffic growth rate is very important. This paper is a case study of road stretch from Sastapur to Narayanpet which has a length of 200.914 km. This study includes the estimation of traffic growth rate by using the present traffic, past trend and socio economic variables. This paper also includes the present level of traffic and various characteristics like average daily traffic, annual average daily traffic, seasonal correction factor, origin and destination analysis, traffic projection and the capacity assessment of the road stretch. Based on the study it is observed that the road is not sustainable for the present traffic and widening is required.


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