Automation of Grain Elevator System for Conventional Agricultural Processing Industry for Energy Conservation with Reduced Human Interface

  • Pankaj B Thote Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, S.B Jain Institute of Technology 8 Research, Nagpur, India.
  • Vishant G Naik Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, S.B Jain Institute of Technology 8 Research, Nagpur, India.
  • Saurabh Kumar Singh Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, S.B Jain Institute of Technology 8 Research, Nagpur, India.
  • Chandrakant Rathore Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, S.B Jain Institute of Technology 8 Research, Nagpur, India.
Keywords: Automation, energy conservation, grain elevator system.


Power consumption in large scale industries is humongous. Thus, power management and energy saving measures in all sorts of operation is of great concern in any industry. This paper addresses one such issue wherein the redundant working of the operation unit is clogged by making use of automation technique. In view of customized need of grain elevator system in agriculture processing industry, automation system has been designed, developed and implemented on prototype basis. The developed automation system controls the motor drive operation by sensing the availability of seeds over the conveyor belt and avoids unnecessary operation of the motor in case of unavailability of seeds thereby saving the electrical energy. The proposed system delivers the low cost, reliable, energy efficient 8 low maintenance solution for the conventional agricultural processing industry.


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