Non-Governmental Organizational Factors That Indicate A Project's Success: Case Of Bamenda-Cameroon

  • Paul AKUMBOM Department of Agribusiness Technology, College of Technology, The University of Bamenda Cameroon.
  • Peter Abuengmoh Department of Chemistry/Center For Food Technology and Research, Benue State University, Nigeria.
Keywords: Project Management, Project Success, Non-Governmental Organisations, Bamenda


Methods from the field of project management are crucial to the timely and successful creation of cutting-edge technologies and systems. The criteria used to evaluate the success of a project manager's efforts will have varying levels of significance based on the individual's position within the project. This paper set intended to discover what makes NGOs' projects in Bamenda successful. A causal research strategy was used for this investigation. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to examine the survey data collected from employees of SIRDEP and CARITAS Bamenda. The structural modelling equation found that public education and involvement positively influenced the outcomes of NGOs' projects in Bamenda. The study's author also demonstrated that the effectiveness of NGOs' projects in Bamenda was bolstered by political influence from inside the country. It was also shown that NGOs in Bamenda benefited from using a project management technique. Conversely, PPM was shown to have a detrimental impact on the project success of NGOs in Bamenda. Analyses of the data also showed that NGOs in Bamenda benefited significantly when their human resource stocks were high. In order to improve the project's chances of success, the research suggests that the project management office or committee place a greater emphasis on community awareness and engagement. The report also suggests that internal political influence be boosted to increase project efficacy and, ultimately, success. The research concludes that a more systematic approach to project management is necessary to raise the success rate of initiatives. Stressing the importance of a well-developed project management approach over the whole project life cycle is essential.