Integrating Sustainability and Skillin the 'vuca' World with Millennials: a Macro-view

  • Alok Kumar Professor, Dean (R&D), School of Management Sciences, Varanasi-221011 (UP)
  • Pramod Pathak Professor & HOD-Management Studies, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad-826004 (Jharkhand)
Keywords: VUCA, New Age Skills, Sustainability, Millennials


Gone are the days when organizational stability was proportional to the duration of employees' stay. Instead, it is the 'skill' basket that has redefined the stability perspective. It also becomes important to discuss the HR issues because of the VUCA(Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) scenario that has encapsulated every organisation and its workforce in the regime of technological upswing. Job rotation once happed to define the sustainability. Today, in the scenario where lay-offs are common, would multi-skilling help overcome the same? We need to understand skills in a totally newer perspective in the age of 'Millennials'. The paper looks at this issue and suggests how skill and sustainability can be intertwined to result in a win-win situation