Role of SHGS in Uplifting the Women Entrepreneurs with Special Reference to Economic Condition in Varanasi District

  • Sofia Khan .
Keywords: Self Help Groups, Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Women Entrepreneurs, Economic Condition, etc.


Growth and Development of women is very much essential for the overall growth of the nation. In this respect, the study tries to examine the Self Help Groups roles in uplifting the women entrepreneurs with special reference to economic condition in Varanasi district. The need arises for such type of study because, most of the research has been conducted in the southern region and only limited efforts have been made in exploring the women empowerment in Eastern region. So there is a paucity of such kind of research. The article explains the detailed research methodology adopted to carry out the study. The research design is descriptive and exploratory in nature and used non-probability - quota sampling technique for selecting the samples, and the researcher has used various statistical tools for the analysis of primary data using SPSS package v/s20.0. The analysis of primary data collected from the eight blocks of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh; examine the Self Help Groups in enhancing women entrepreneurs with reference to the economic condition. It is inferred from the findings of the research attempted for the study that SHGs helps women entrepreneurs in enhancing their economic status by rising their income up to a satisfactory level, trim down the interdependence on financiers, developing the reliance on SHGs and growing the savings habit for the future financial requirements. The study is only confined to Varanasi districts belonging to women specially and hence cannot be generalized for others and scope for the future research is that further researches can be done by considering any other model except SHGs of the government or private institutions.