• Ranjeev Kumar Research Scholar, Department of English, Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan
  • Indu Prabha Department of English, Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan
Keywords: Exploitation, violence, enslaved, torture boon, bane etc.


In the sphere of drama, the name of Vijay Tendulkar does not require any introduction. In the galaxy of Indo-Anglo playwrights, Tendulkar is one of the most shining stars. Marathi Theatre is incomplete without the contribution made by Vijay Tendulkar. This Marathi literary figure is a multifaceted personality. He is the one who brought revolution in Marathi Theatre. An avant-garde playwright, Tendulkar has shown versatility by writing several works including one-act plays, children’s plays, short stories, essay collections etc. Vijay Tendulkar is the mouthpiece of the oppressed women in male dominant society. He has deep insight into human nature. He has proved in his plays that it is the male dominant society that does not allow woman to rise from the status of man’s foot. They are exploited, tortured, taunted both physically and emotionally. They are considered inferior to male human beings as male human beings are victims of their superiority complex. Even in some of the societies they are treated as bane while the male child is hailed as boon. His plays depict that women are treated as mere commodities. He has shown how the voice of women is suppressed when they try to voice their concerns against the cruelties. He makes a psychological study of human characters in his plays. An analytical approach to his plays reveals that women are deprived of the life they wish to live. The present research paper focuses on his four plays, to bring to light the enslaved and exploited position of women in society. In ‘Sakharam Binder’ and ‘Kamala’ he brings to light how women are enslaved and exploited. In ‘Silence! The Court is in Session’ and ‘Kanaydaan’ he ascertains the fact that it is male human being who is responsible for the exploitation of women.