• L. Srishyla Assistant Professor, Saraswathi Law College, Chitradurga.
Keywords: Judicial Activism, Supreme Court, Theories of Judicial Activism etc.


Judicial Activism is a powerful weapon, which the judges have to wield to Sub serves the ends of justice by making the law responsive to the felt necessities of the changing times. The scope of judicial activism varies with the courts power of Judicial Review. The judicial activism is use of judicial power to articulate and enforce what is beneficial for the society in general and people at large. Supreme Court despite its constitutional Limitation has come up with flying colors as a champion of justice in the true sense of The word .JUSTICEā€¦this seven letter word is one of the most debated one sin the entire English dictionary. With the entire world population being linked to it, there is no doubt about the fact that with changing tongues the definition does change. The judicial activism has touched almost every aspect of life in India to do positive justice and in the process has gone beyond, what is prescribed by law or written in black and white. This article covers definition, Theories of judicial activism, development of Judicial Activism in India, Judicial Activism in various periods.