• Sapna Sahu Research Scholar, Department Of Education, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University,Lucknow
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There are number of ethical principles that should be taken by undergraduate and master’s level. It has often been seen in psychological research that some time the nature of study is such that it is possible to study from a practical point of view but it is not possible to do it from a moral point of view. Moral are those ethical principle that should follow to every researcher during their research work. Research ethics provided guideline for the responsible and monitor research scholar conducting research to insure a high ethical standard. The following points are identified as ethical research are protection and welfare of participant, informed consent, use of deception, debriefing of subject, subjects right to withdrawal from the investigation, invasion from privacy in observational research and confidentialityand the anonymity of data. Not only this subject also have right that if it is mandatory to publish their data then their name should not be given in it. If the researcher does not do this then it poses an ethical problem. It is clear when psychological research done on human subject then some problem related to morality arise.In order to solution these problem, two important country (America and Britain) in the world that have made some code of ethics but still such problem arise. Such moral problems arise not only with human subject but also using animal subject and these problems are also resolved by following the same moral code.