• Hare Krushna Parhi Asst. Prof, Dept. of Education, Dimapur Govt. College, Dimapur, Nagaland
Keywords: Higher secondary, education, govt., private, academic achievement, streams, disciplines etc.


Higher secondary education means the education which is imparted in class eleven and twelve. It is that level of education where the adults decide among themselves about the future of their life. The foundation of higher learning builds in this stage. This stage of education is so vital that many students join different professional courses just after completion of their higher secondary in order to get employment and start their life. In the present context, quality higher secondary education becomes mandatory to compete in the global market. In this study, an attempt has been made to know the quality of higher secondary students through their academic achievement (result) in the examination, different streams of studies provided in the institutions of different districts, the ratio of students studying in govt. and private institutions and to compare and contrast between number of students opting for arts, science and commerce. This study is descriptive in nature basing on secondary data collected from various sources. In this study the investigator has found number of findings such as i) academic achievement (results) of govt. higher secondary institutions in three streams (arts, science and commerce) until 2017 was satisfactory, ii) since 2018, quality of academic achievement (results) of private higher secondary institutions are better than govt. higher secondary and the students enrollment in govt. higher secondary has been decreasing in a rapid rate, iii) female students in all three streams of studies performed better results than male students in last three years, iv) there is a disparity in providing three streams of studies in the entire state. Most of the institutions (private and govt.) are established in Dimapur and Kohima, v) private agencies are the main player of higher secondary education in the state and vi) there is very less opportunities of science and commerce studies in the entire State etc.