• Bankula Dhanalaxmi Lecturer, Anwar ul uloom College of Education, Hyderabad, Telangana
Keywords: Adolescence, Perception, Social Media


The present conceptual research focused on the study is to understanding adolescence and their perception on social media. Now the Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. Children who are entering adolescence are going through many changes (physical, intellectual, personality and social developmental). Yes, the Adolescence begins at puberty, which now occurs earlier, on average, than in the past. The stage of Adolescence is the stage of development which precedes adulthood. As per the human being It is a time of great physical change in young people. It is characterized by rapid growth, hormonal change, changes in bodily appearance, and changes in brain structure. Adolescence stage is characterized by emotional turmoil, insecurity, peer influence, risk taking behavior, irrational decisions, pushing limits on permissible behavior. Adolescence stage is also a time where young people make mistakes, which if not dealt with constructively, and sensitively, could result in them ruining their lives. It is a time where young people need to be surrounded by a protective system, positive role models, and be engaged in positive activities which channelize their energies to good use. Now the ‘Social Media’ describes online platforms that enable interactions through the sharing of pictures, comments and reactions to content. As most teenagers regularly use social media, studying its effects on their mental health and psychological wellbeing is vital. The term ‘psychological wellbeing’ reflects the extent to which an individual can live meaningfully according to their deeply held values. The present paper focused on the study of to understanding adolescence and their perception on social media. with prime objectives are (i) To understand the concept of adolescence and their perception. (ii) To analyses the role of social media in understanding adolescence and their perception. (iii) To discuss the benefits of social media in understanding adolescence and their perception. The methodology of the research is a different type involving an interpretative, conversation, observation and study secondary sources, like books, articles, journals, thesis, university news, expert opinion, and websites, etc.