• Jayesh R. Jadhav Associate Prof., Chembur Sarvankash Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya
Keywords: Vipassana, mental defilements, inner harmony, meditation


Modern life moves so quickly that there isn't even time to breathe. Science, business, political structures, and other areas of human endeavour have advanced dramatically. They are seeing an upsurge in mental illness, delinquency, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, and suicide, among other things, despite their advancements in these domains. Social issues have always existed, ranging from straightforward family or community conflicts to tribe hostilities, and later to state rivalry and global warfare. The energies of hatred, greed, and ignorance that dwell in each of our individual minds are the root of all of these issues. The worlds inside and outside of him or her are in perpetual conflict with one another. So suffering is a widespread issue for humanity. The disease is universal; therefore, the treatment must be as well. Such a solution is provided by vipassana. Therefore, the answer is found on a personal level. Vipassana's contribution to the current social issues thus seems to be threefold: it purges the mental defilements that motivate us to act improperly so that we do not compound the issues and suffering in our community. Vipassana is a special method for achieving inner harmony and calm on an experiential level. Through intense meditation, the great Indian teacher Gautama the Buddha developed this method. He then gave it to the hurting people with a lot of love and compassion.