• Darekar Jyoti Pratap Research Scholar, Additional District Judge, Baramati Dist. Pune, MS
  • Singh Vijeta Shitalabaksha Assistant Professor, S.S. Maniyar Law College, Jalgaon
Keywords: Court, Special Court, special public prosecutor, District Child Protection Unit, Expert, Special Educator, Registered Medial Practitioner, media, Support Person and Commission for Protection of Child Rights


Every country needs laws for securing safety and security of its citizens. For achieving the desired outcome and for the effective implementation of these laws, there has to be an efficient machinery. There are several departments or sections whereupon different roles are assigned. More often, for implementation of one Act there could be one or more machinery required. Effectiveness and success of each Act depends on these machineries. Every person who works under any such section/department needs to be sensitized apart from his/her expertise. Since recent past whole world has noticed that there were increasing number of cases of violence committed against children. Apart from other forms of violences, children were found sexually abused too. Similarly it is seen that the offences are committed across the borders of the nation also. The National Crime records also consistently showing increasing number of criminal sexual offences committed against children. Therefore, at international level efforts have been taken and declarations were entered into. India is one of the signatory of these declarations and optional protocols. Therefore, in the year 2012, new legislation has been enacted for protecting children from sexual offences. This Act is known as The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 20121. It is clear from the title of the Act that it is in respect of protecting children from sexual offences, therefore the key functionaries apart from Government are Police, Medical officers, Courts and support persons. As one of the special feature of this Act, it has clothed some responsibilities on media, studios and also on the public. There are also some stringent provisions made for non-fulfilling the duties by these authorities. In spite of this, still number of sexual crimes committed against children is increasing day by day. Therefore, it is necessary to study about the duties assigned to these various functionaries and if there are any lacunas. Children are future of our nation and we have to do every possible efforts to provide them safe and secured environment. Therefore, it is most important to take a review about all these functionaries, as such they plays a pivotal role. Hence this topic has been selected for the research.