SCHOLARLY RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Yashpal Netragaonkar [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (SRJIS) is an International Blind Peer Reviewed, Referred, Indexed &amp; having Impact Factor SJIF 2021= 7.380</strong>&nbsp;Journal published online bimonthly with an aim to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, academicians and professional from diverse areas of all disciplines to bring out innovative research ideas &amp; practices. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies is dedicated to publish high quality research articles on all aspects of education related to, Arts, Commerce, Social Science, Anthropology, Social philosophy, Social psychology, Physical Education, Psychology, English, Linguistics, Economics, Dramatics, Archaeology, Public Administration, Political Science, Social Science, and related all disciplines.&nbsp;</p> प्राथमिक विद्यालयों के सन्दर्भ में ‘शिक्षा का अधिकार’ अधिनियम (2009) में चिन्हित आधारभूत शैक्षिक संरचना का अध्ययन 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 मृदुल कुमार सिंह . भारतीय परम्पराओं के अनुसार परिवार प्राथमिक शिक्षा के केन्द्र होते हैं। माता बालक की सर्वप्रथम गुरू मानी जाती हैं जो बालक को शुभ संस्कारों की प्रेरणा देकर उसके व्यवहार को सामाजिकता प्रदान करती हैं। पिता भी माता के पश्चात् गुरु का कार्य करता हैं जो उसे शुभ कार्य की प्रेरणा देकर सदाचार के लिए प्रेरित करता हैं, यही से बालक की औपचारिक शिक्षा प्रारम्भ होती है। 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TRANSDISCIPLINARY LEARNING APPROACH FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Rahul R. Gaikwad . Gayatri . Choukade . Sanjeev . Sonawane . Transdisciplinary learning approach will help faculty and students to grow their innovative ways and ideas and help the growth and development of nation at large and in long term. Transdisciplinary learning approach helps students to establish relation between various subjects. To prepare prospective teacher that are equipped with pedagogical skills, professional skills, different teaching strategies amp; instructions & subject knowledge and to equip student to be lifelong learner, self-learner and creative thinker, there is need to think about the curriculum that can facilitate transdisciplinary approach in teacher education program. Transdisciplinary approach in teacher education will consider the following: a clearly defined framework that allows one to highlight each steps, a well-defined and designed transdisciplinary curriculum formulated by expert team, ability of the teacher educators to integrate teaching learning process that aligned with different discipline, thorough discussion of different ideas given by the students, and conversion of the student to become decision maker and problem solver. Global issues will require people from different discipline to work collaboratively, evaluate critically, think critically and come to a solution which in turn will save the humanity and make this world a better place to live. It is about understanding of different discipline and coming to a conclusion that will benefit the masses. Thus transdisciplinary approach in teaching learning process, skills the students for understanding the difficulty of a situation or identify the problem and use critical thinking and divergent thinking to provide a solution with the help of collaborating different discipline. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CAREER GUIDANCE: A KEY TO SUCCESS IN LIFE 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Balakrishnan . P. . V. . Nalini . Career guidance plays a vital role in helping product markets work and education systems to meet their goals. Because the choice of a career is one of the most crucial decisions one makes in life. It should be taken with discussion of different career experts. A career should be chosen with utmost care, thought, and planning. Individual have different innate capacities and abilities and hence aptitudes for different kind of work. The purpose of Career Guidance is to match the individuals and the occupation optimally for mutual benefits. Recent evidence suggests that social mobility relies on wider acquisition not just of knowledge and skills, but also understanding how to use them. In this context, the mission of Career Guidance is very vast, to become part of lifelong learning. In this paper, we become to know about the needs and importance of Career Guidance and its proper implementation. And we know to improve Career Guidance for making student’s beautiful life as well as for all of us. Career is by choice not by chance. Career Guidance is the guidance given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge, information, skills and experience necessary to identify career options and narrow them down to make one career decision. This career decision then results in their social, financial and emotional wellbeing throughout. Career Guidance is given on career related problems and education. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## RURAL ECONOMY AND PHYSICAL WELLNESS: A THEMATIC REVIEW PAPER 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Pavan . Gautam . Durgesh . Gautam . India is a developing diverse country with diverse in people, society and religion. People living in urban areas where they get all facilities and services. Oppositely people living in rural areas get less of the resources and services. They are having fluctuations in literacy rate birth and death rate GDP NDP and so many things. The back ground of physical fitness is generally more than the urban areas because people involvement and profession make them fit and connecting nature. Although they are having a less sports resources but after that people are today enough aware about sports and they starts participations and today Govt. of India is giving facilities of games and sports in so many schools and collages so that children younger’s and elders are always filled with inner enthusiasm and generally this enthusiasm is seen in rural areas people. The games participation at state national and international level where their enthusiasm takes a platform. While in rural areas people are suffering with infrastructure facilities and products such as indoor and outdoor facilities of grounds. Such Schemes is run by Govt. India Rajkumari scheme, HVPM, LNIPE, NSNIS, SAI and so many institutes in India which was set up after Independence and Independence which works is to provide coaches, teachers, players, physiologist, physiotherapist, dietician and so many people today appears due to this institution and many of the brands today supports India’s economy like ‘ShivNaresh’ is one of the brand in sports. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## YOGA FOR WELLBEING: A THEMATIC REVIEW PAPER 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Pavan . Gautam . Durgesh . Gautam . . 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK): A FRAMEWORK FOR B.ED. STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM PRACTICES 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Joy Prakash Deb . Pratima . Pradhan . In this paper an effort is made to explore how TPACK is useful for B.Ed. students. The purpose of the study is to investigate the potential of TPACK to be integrated into both initial and continuing teacher education programs in India. In other words, it explores the ways in which B.Ed. students and teacher educators might apply their knowledge of TPACK to their classroom practices during their internship. It also focuses on the importance of 21st-century educators for incorporating technology into their lessons. The study set out to determine how widespread TPACK application is in teacher education programs, as well as the nature of the connection between technological and pedagogical materials. This is a mixed-methods study that analyses and interprets documents and secondary sources (such as books, expert opinion, papers, journals, theses, websites, unstructured interviews etc). 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF TOTAL VITAMIN C CONTENTS IN VARIOUS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BY UV-SPECTROPHOTOMETRY 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Sandeep . Negi . Harish . Chandra . H.V. . Pant . R. . Dhoundiyal . Deepali . Singhal . Suresh . Kumar . In the present study, a simple UV- spectrophotometric method for the determination of the total vitamin C (ascorbic acid + dehydroascorbic acid) in various fruits and vegetables is described. In this method bromine water is added which oxidizes the ascorbic acid into dehydroascorbic acid. After coupling with 2,4 -dinitrophenyl hydrazine at 37°C temperature for about three hours, the solution is treated with 85% H2SO4 to produce a red color complex. Then, the absorbance was spectrophotometrically measured at 521 nm. The content of vitamin C was 1.868 to 51.74 mg/10g in fruits and 0.841 to 17.416 mg/10g in vegetables. The standard deviation and the possible interfering factors are also discussed. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF AGGRESSION AND ANXIETY AMONG DISTRICT MUZAFFARNAGAR KABADDI PLAYERS 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Raj Veer Singh . Tushar . Chaudhary . Sports is a psycho-cum-social activity alongwith physical, physiological and techniques, the physiological social factors are also considered. Today in the era of technology, psychological training of the players has it’s own importance to understand the different skills of the game. In the study an effort to compare psychological variables anxiety and aggression among selected and non-selected players in junior kabaddi team camp of district muzaffarnagar. The subjects were 60 kabaddi players who takes part in district selection trials. Psychol;ogical barriers like anxiety and aggression affects cognitive and physical performance of the players. The term sggression is defined as act or behavior to be harm or pain. Harm may be physical psychological or any distraction. Aggression is an act of human behavior shows battle for dominance and power in sports. Anxiety is a condition characterized by mental, social, physical and emotional behaviours. The anxiety state may includes feelings of trouble, tense, danger, fear, heart palpitations, fatigue. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## उच्च प्राथमिक स्तर के विद्यार्थियों में संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में बाल संसद की भूमिका 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 हर्षवर्धन . . . सुहासिनी . बाजपेयी . प्रस्तुत शोध पत्र में उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों में संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में बाल संसद की भूमिका का अध्ययन किया गया है। इस शोध अध्ययन के उद्देश्य उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों में संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में बाल संसद संचालित एवं बाल संसद विहीन विद्यालयों की प्रभाविता का अध्ययन करना है एवं उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय में संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में लिंग एवं क्षेत्र के आधार पर बाल संसद की प्रभाविता का अध्ययन करना है। प्रस्तुत शोध में जनसंख्या के रूप में उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा प्रयागराज जिले के नैनी एवं विकास खण्ड चाका में संचालित उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालयों के कक्षा-8 के अध्ययनरत सत्र 2021-2022 के विद्यार्थियों को चुना गया है तथा उद्देश्यपूर्ण विधि से प्रतिदर्श के रूप में 13 उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में से कुल 480 विद्यार्थियों का चयन किया गया है जिसमें बाल संसद संचालित विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों की संख्या 237 एवं बाल संसद विहीन विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों की संख्या 243 है। आंकड़ों का संकलन करने के लिए स्वनिर्मित संवैधानिक साक्षरता मापनी का निर्माण किया गया है तथा प्राप्त आंकड़ों का विश्लेषण एवं सार्थकता स्पष्ट करने के लिए विवरणात्मक सांख्यिकी का प्रयोग किया गया है। शोध निष्कर्ष में यह पाया गया कि संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में बाल संसद संचालित एवं बाल संसद विहीन विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों की अभिवृत्ति में सार्थक अंतर है। संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में बाल संसद संचालित शहरी क्षेत्र के विद्यार्थियों एवं बाल संसद संचालित ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के विद्यार्थियों की अभिवृत्ति में सार्थक अंतर है। जबकि संवैधानिक साक्षरता के विकास में बाल संसद संचालित विद्यालय के लड़कों एवं लड़कियों की अभिवृत्ति में कोई सार्थक अंतर नहीं है। 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEER PRESSURE AND GENDER DETERMINE STRESS AMONG ADOLESCENTS 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Anu . . . Sanjay . kumar . Adolescence is a stage of development and multiple changes as well as personal and social changes are experienced in all aspects of individual’s life. The purpose of this research paper was to study the effect of peer pressure on stress of adolescents. For this purpose 120 subjects were selected from Meerut and Modinagar Distt (U.P). There were two groups according the level of peer pressure i.e. high peer pressure and low peer pressure. In each group there were 60 subjects, further each group was again consisted of two groups of gender there were 30 male and 30 female. Peer pressure was measured with the help of peer pressure scale constructed by Singh and Saini (2010) and stress was measured by student stress scale constructed by Akhtar (2011). A 2×2 factorial design was used in the study. On the basis of obtained results it was found that peer pressure have significant effect on stress of adolescents whereas gender has no significant effect on stress of adolescents. The interaction between peer pressure and gender was also found significant. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY: AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Ahir Bhakti Ishwar . Vandana . Pimple . A general insurance policy comprises a range of insurance plans other than life insurance products. The types of general insurance policies include motor insurance, health insurance, home insurance, marine insurance, travel insurance and so on. The general insurance policy offers coverage to policyholders to compensate their damages or losses incurred from a specific incurred. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is a monolithic firm from last few decades. Author emphasizes that more number of office with lower operating expense is the key to success. LIC has got both the advantages. After the successful enactment of economic reforms in life insurance sector in India, LIC of India has made numerous positive efforts to conquest the hearts of the people. LIC of India must increase their agent’s base to retain its leading market share because agents are the main pillar of the corporation. An augmented number will not only help the corporation to facet their noticeable presence in the market but also in turn help in growing their business volume too. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## झारखंड के पत्रकारिता का इतिहास 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 चंदन . कुमार . . 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CONTRIBUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TOWARDS PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Maninder . Kaur . Harpreet . Kaur . The United Nations’ Transforming Our World: The SDG 2030 Agenda is very ambitious global agreement in recent history which is highly dependent on overall balanced systems of higher education. Knowledge, skills, values and attitudes actually empower the learners to contribute towards sustainable development. Only the well-established approach of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) empowers learners to take informed decisions and responsible actions for environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society for the present and future society. The importance of education in contributing to the sustainable growth of the economy cannot be overstated. The initiatives of higher education institutions contribute to the attainment of sustainable economic growth on a world-wide scale. Though today’s higher education system has witnessed significant transformations; however, the impact of HEIs efforts and initiatives on sustainable economic growth and high –quality employment is a gradual process that requires time, in comparison to the impact of economic policies. The present article focusses on the role of higher education institutions in promoting sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full employment and decent work for all. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## REVIEW ON CYANIDE POISONING 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Snehankita V. Dhanvijay . Vaibhav . Gawali . Nivedita . Dhanvijay . Cyanide is one of the most lethal poison. It leads to death within a few minutes to a few hours sometimes. Depending upon the dose and route of administration or exposure the symptoms develop. The area of exposure is manufacturing and industrial sources such as insecticides, photographic solution, fumigation and electroplating work, plastic manufacturing and jewelry cleaners etc. History shows the common use of cyanide poisoning in suicidal and homicidal cases and also use as chemical warfare agent for terrorist attack. Incidence of cyanide poisoning is rare but the occurrence of death is seen instant in some cases. It causes histotoxic anoxia and inhibits oxidative phosphorylation, a process where oxygen is utilized for the production of essential cellular energy sources in the form of ATP. It does so by binds to the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase and blocks mitochondrial transport chain. This results in cellular hypoxia and the depletion of ATP occur, leading to metabolic acidosis. Symptoms such as headache, dizziness, vertigo, spasmodic closure of jaw and clawing of hands, tonic type of convulsions of the limb and trunk, muscular weakness and flaccidity, muscular paralysis, intense cyanosis, hypertension followed by hypotension, coma etc leads to death. Death is mainly due to cardiovascular failure and respiratory failure. Thus, rapid treatment to be started in such patients. The 100 % oxygen support and rapid therapy of antidotal treatment is necessary for life saving. Very efficient antidote is Hydroxocobalamin and other antidotes are also important in cyanide poisoning in the treatment as life saver. Survivors of cyanide poisoning may develop neuropathies. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## RUBRIC: AN EVALUATION TOOL FOR STUDENT’S SELF EVALUATION 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Shilpa . Shinde . A rubric is an evaluation tool that clearly indicates achievement criteria across all the components of any kind of student work, from written to oral to visual. It can be used for marking assignments, class participation, or overall grades. Rubrics are most often used to grade written assignments, but they have many other uses. They can be used for oral presentations. They are a great tool to evaluate teamwork and individual contribution to group tasks. Rubrics facilitate peer-review by setting evaluation standards. In this article, we discuss rubric, rubric for self evaluation of students. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## BELINDA’S WORLD OF TRIVIALITY IN THE RAPE OF THE LOCK: A MICROCOSM OF EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND AND THE IRONIC JUXTAPOSITION OF HER STORY WITH THE CLASSICAL EPICS 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Tripti Bhati . The Rape of the Lock is one of the best examples of mock-epic or mock-heroic poems written in English History. It is an imitation of Horatian satire, written in the Eighteenth-Century by Alexander Pope, in which he uses irony, sarcasm, and exaggeration to expose follies and vanities of the aristocratic or upper class in England in an undignified and grandiose manner. Written in heroic couplets about a trivial subject matter, the poet juxtaposes the trivial world of the upper class with the heroic deeds mentioned in the classical epics. This paper navigates the epic allusions used in The Rape of the Lock to mock the shortcomings of the upper class in England and to also satirize the epic tradition itself. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TEACHING AS CIVILISING MISSION: AN ETHNOGRAPHIC REFLECTION OF SCHOOLING IN RURAL BASTAR 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Pushpam Kumar Jha . Since the creation of the administrative and epistemic category of savage in the late 19th century, the dichotomy of savage- civilised had been an intrinsic part of school education in Adivasi areas. Though, in contemporary academic discourse, the colonial construction of tribe is now considered as myth however, in actual teaching practices education as civilising mission is still constituting educational reality of Adivasi students. Drawing data from ethnographic fieldwork, conducted in rural Bastar, this paper attempt to explore the ongoing conflation between school education and civilising mission from the teacher’s perspective. The paper argues that relegation of teacher professional development in government school system under neoliberal regime draw limitation to visualise their role in broader framework of liberal education. As a result, with all good intension and commitment, they locate the Adivasi community and students in a dominant framework of savage and uncivilised and define school education as civilising mission. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## qnnar-qMMdS> n[agamVrb ~mbJwÝhoJmar : EH$ gm‘m{OH$ d Am{W©H$ g‘ñ¶m 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Amem ¶ed§V gHw§$S>o . g§{JVm gmido . ~mbJwÝhoJmar ^maVmV ‘moR>çm eham§‘ܶo ‘moR>çm à‘mUmV dmT>V Amho. ‘Ðmg, {X„r, H$bH$Îmm, bIZD$, ~§Jbmoa, ¶m ehamV VgoM ‘hmamï´>mV, ‘w§~B©, nwUo, qnnar-qMMdS>, gmobmnya, ZmJnya, ‘Z‘mS> ¶m {R>H$mUr VgoM aoëdo O§³eZMr Jmdo, Am¡Úmo{JH$ dñ˶m ì¶mnmamMr CbmT>mb MmbUmar {R>H$mUo Aem {R>H$mUr ~mbJwÝhoJmarMo à‘mU ‘moR>çm à‘mUmV AmT>iVo. ~mbJwÝhoJmar ho AmOmar g‘mOmMo bjU Amho. qnnar-qMMdS> ehamVrb dmT>Vr JXu, ~H$mbdñζm, OwJma, VñH$ar, ‘ÚnmZ ¶m‘wio ~mbJwÝhoJmar dmT>V Amho. Am¡Úmo[JH$sH$aU, ZmJarH$aU ¶m‘wio ‘moR>çm à‘mUmV ~mbJwÝhoJmar dmT>V Amho. qnnarqMMdS> ehamVgwÕm ~mbJwÝhoJmar J§^ra ñdê$n YmaU H$arV Amho. ‘mZgemók d earaemók ¶m§À¶m ‘Vo, gmV dfm©À¶m AmVrb ‘yb H$moUVohr H¥$˶ g‘OyZ H$arV Zmhr. EImÚo H¥$˶ ˶mÀ¶m hmVyZ KSy>Z Jobo Var ˶mZo OmUrdnyd©H$ Ho$bobo ZgVo. åhUyZM ~mbJwÝhoJmamÀ¶m d¶mMr {H$‘mZ ‘¶m©Xm gd© XoemV ({’$Zb§S>Mm AndmX dJiVm) gmV Vo AmR> df} Amho. H$‘mb ‘¶m©Xm {d{dY XoemVM Zìho Va {d{dY amÁ¶m§Vhr doJdoJir Amho. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CHILDREN OF TIME: A POST-APOCALYPTIC STUDY IN WORLDBUILDING AND EVOLUTION OF A NON-HUMAN SPECIES 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Shubham Pandey . Children of time is a story that undertakes a herculean endeavor: a fascinating attempt at worldbuilding, creating a snapshot as it were of the evolution of a particular species from simple biological creatures to wise and sentient beings. Aside from being a cogent account of a new world order in which intelligent spiders are at the top of the food chain and humans are the belligerent outsiders and colonizers seeking to seize control from the intelligent arthropods, Adrian Tchaikovsky’s novel also highlights the pertinent issue of ecological damage caused by anthropogenic activities which is rapidly taking the planet toward a cataclysmic event, the Sixth Extinction. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CONTRIBUTIONS OF ROYAL MUGHAL WOMEN IN ECONOMIC FIELD 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Dinesh Kumar . Dinesh Mandot . Women occupy a critical place in every stratum and society. Royal Mughal ladies played a considerable role in the economic field during the Mughal period. The Mughal age was marked by overall prosperity and growth in all the spheres of life. There was hectic economic activity in the country, which led to growth of trade and commerce. India commodities like textiles, spices, and exotic products like opium and dyes were in great demand in the countries of west Asia and North Africa. The items of import were gold, silver, ivory, pearls, precious gems, horses etc. Mughal women made a fairly large but little appreciated contribution to the development of trade and commerce in the country. Besides participating in economic activities, Mughal royal ladies saw to the construction of markets and caravan sarais. Therefore, encouraging and faciliating trade conditions in the country. The present article deals with contribution of the royal Mughal ladies in economic property of the Mughal empire which occupies a unique place in the annals of India. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## maihlaa saSa@tIkrNa AaiNa AanaMdI iSaxaNaat maihlaaMcaI mah%%vaPaUNa- BaUimaka 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 saairka gaaOtma baihrT . Baart sarkarnao 2001 ho vaYa- maihlaa sabalaIkrNaacao vaYa- mhNaUna GaaoiYat kolao haoto.s~IyaaMcyaa sabalaIkrNaasaazI raYT/Iya QaaorNa The National policy for the Empowerment of women ho 2001 maQao maMjaUr krNyaat Aalao.kayado va klyaaNa kaya-k`maacyaa maaQyamaatUna Aaiqa-k‚saamaaijak‚SaOxaiNak va rajaikya yaa sava-ca xao~amaQyao maihlaaMnaa pu$YaaMcyaa baraobarInao hkk va djaa- p`dana k$na doNao ivakasaasaazI saMQaI ]plabQa k$na doNao AaiNa s~I pu$Ya Asamaanata naYT krNao yaa p`ik`yaolaa s~I saxamaIkrNa mhNatat.samaajaat maihlaaMnaa svaaya%t saxama krNyaacyaa dRYTIkaoNaatUna Anaok AiBayaana rabaivalao jaatat.pNa Krca is~yaa "Abalaa" Aahot ka ?mauLat BaartIya maihlaa kQaI Abalaa navhtIca Baart ha navadugao-caI pUjaa krNaa­yaa saMskRtItIla s~I Sa@tIcaa doSa Aaho. Kr pahta maihlaaMmaQyao inasagaa-kDUna kahI doNagyaa puR$YaaMpoxaa jaast Aahot.maihlaaMmaQyao sahnaiSalata‚navainamaa-Naxamata‚saMGap`orNaa‚saaOdMya-dRYTI‚bacat vaR%tI [%yaadI gauNa puR$YaaMpoxaa jaast Aahot.s~I hI doSaacao BaivaYya zrivaNaarI Sa@tI Aaho %yaamauLo hI Sa@tI saudRZ saxama AaiNa AanaMdI banaivaNao hI samaajaacaI jabaabadarI Aaho. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A STUDY OF SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON PSYCHO-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AMONG B.ED TRAINEES 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Deepika . Bhatt . Prakash Chandra Upreti . With rapid digitalization, the use of social -media is increasing in our lives. It has become fourth meal of the day. Young or old no one is left behind who may not have used any of the social media platforms. This study was set out to determine social media addiction and it’s influence on parent- child interaction and social-interaction and behaviour among B.Ed. trainees. The study was conducted with 70 students enrolled in B.Ed. training programme of Government colleges in Kumaun University. For the data collection a structured interview schedule on social media addiction, parent-child interaction and social interaction and behaviour were used. The results showed that students have a moderate to high level of addiction. 56% of them usually spend 5-7 hours each day on social media. They check their phones while at study or work as well. 78% accepted, they keep on checking social media account when they talk with friends and colleagues. Only 50% of them spend 3-5 hours with parents daily and carry phone while having meal with their family. And when in stress 45% prefer to spend time alone than to have time with friends and 30% use social media to hang upon. Most of them use social media for their leisure and personal socialization and when they get free time are pre-occupied with phones. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## शहीद षिरोमणी तिलका माँझी 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 राज कुमार . . 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PROJECTION OF WOMEN IN NAIPAUL’S INDIAN TRAVELOGUES 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Ankita . Chaudhary . Gaurav . Sharma . This paper seeks to represent the Indian women in V.S. Naipaul’s Indian travelogues – An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization, and India: A Million Mutinies Now. Naipaul’s three books on India are not only a discourse of a diasporic individual who returns to his ancestral land to re-establish the severed ties with the homeland, but it is also a cultural, social, political, and economic representation of India towards the end of the nineteenth century. While portraying the lives of Indians in these three books, Naipaul has also portrayed how Indian women cope with the changing society. Through years of discrimination and subjugation holding them back, Indian women gradually stand up against the patriarchal society, and Naipaul’s on his three books on India record how these women cope with the changing societal norms. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## आधुनिक संप्रेषण ; सूचना कौशलद्ध के विकास में सांवेगिक बुद्धि की उपादेयता 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 उम्मेद . सिंह . . 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TRENDS IN THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL TEACHERS 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Uma Mageswari E. . Nalini V. V. . School teachers play the pivotal role in establishing students’ interest in learning every day. Teachers are the direct implementers of the school curriculum in the classroom. These teachers inspire the students to think critically and creatively. School teachers really shape the society so that school could aid not just by its role in developing the society but sustainable development in particular. Teachers are also active learners. They learn from their students most especially in the changing society as well as the changing behaviors of the students. Teachers are themselves learning throughout their teaching career. Good teachers are always in search of the activities that help them in their professional development. Teachers seek for new innovations and updates in their area of expertise because the knowledge with which they graduated to become a teacher before has become insufficient now. Teacher education refers to both pre-service and in-service programmers' which adopt both formal and/or non-formal approaches. It is a continuing process which focuses on teacher career development. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: A SOCIO-LEGAL PERSPECTIVE IN INDIAN CONTEXT 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Ghadge Snehal Sahebrao . Youngsters and also the ladies have been exploited everywhere around the globe in one way or another, several ways in which are overtly followed against them whereas some are deeply coated behind the curtains, feminine reproductive organ Mutilation(FGM) is one such grotesque method of exploitation of young women. The practice refers to the forceful cutting or manipulation of the private parts of young girls in the name only of cultural and spiritual beliefs. It reflects the deep-seated difference between the sexes and constitutes an extreme kind of discrimination against women. This paper is aimed toward explaining the meaning and therefore the} procedures and techniques concerned during this derogative follow together with the harmful effects that it's on the life and dignity of the people and the reasons behind its prevalence within the society. The paper also deals with the position of this practice in Asian countries and internationally. it's nearly continuously administrated on minors so may be a violation of the rights of children. The practice is aimed at gender inequality and tries to manage women's sexuality, and concepts concerning purity, modesty, and beauty. This paper is an endeavor to spotlight the hidden existence of this life-threatening practice behind the curtain of culture and faith in India. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY OF TEACHER EDUCATORS IN THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATION 4.0 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 P. Shajahan . T. Komalavalli . Technological evolution is in rapid pace in the present scenario and in this context the entire sector of education undergoes drastic changes. There is a shift from pedagogical practices to techno-pedagogical practices. The need for techno-pedagogical approach is reflected in classroom practices and it is the primary task of the teacher educator to update themselves in techno-pedagogical skills. A professionally competent teacher educator has to be well versed in ICT skills. Then only, he could be able to produce an effective teacher to suit the needs of the present generation learners. This article discusses on the conceptual framework of the varied ICT skills required for teacher educators in the present context of techno-pedagogy and education 4.0. The pre-requisite techno savvy skills that are required for the present teacher educators are discussed. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INTEGRATION OF TECHNO-PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS IN TEACHER EDUCATION TO ENHANCE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS AMONG PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 A. Lakshmi Narayanan . T. . Komalavalli . Presently the entire sector of the education undergoes in several aspects and particular in the pedagogical aspects. Traditional ways of imparting knowledge are being replaced with ICT integrated pedagogy. Techno-pedagogy has been the present way of providing education. There is a direct integration of the digital platform and tools to the offline traditional classroom. In techno-pedagogy the classroom is blended with usual physical and virtual mode of education. The teaching aids in traditional educational system are being replaced with digital tools and techniques to teach a concept. Teacher education undergoes such new changes in the curriculum with the integration of technology leading to the improvement of the quality in teacher education. All the pedagogical practices in teacher education can be integrated with technology and this techno-pedagogy is used in the teacher education is an optimistic way. Employability is the prime aim of any pattern and level of education. In teacher education too employability is very important in terms of the placement of the prospective teachers in schools. With the integration of the techno-pedagogy the employability skills of the prospective teachers could be enhanced. Teacher trainees who are exposed to techno-pedagogy have more chance of employability in best schools. In the light of these concepts, this article discusses on the importance of techno-pedagogy skills that can be developed among prospective teachers to increase their employability. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TEACHERS’ AWARENESS OF MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS IN DAILY LIFE 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Bondu . Raju . The goal of this research was to look into the current state of Secondary level Mathematics teachers’ awareness of the use of mathematics in daily life in the State of Telangana. In this present study the investigator identified the awareness in use of mathematics in daily life is in eight areas such as Mathematics awareness in Environment, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Art and Culture, Sports, Weather Forecasting, Industry. The researcher used a mailed questionnaire to collect data for his research for Secondary level Mathematics teachers’ awareness in use of mathematics in daily life in selected areas. The study revealed that secondary level mathematics teachers have good awareness in use of mathematics in daily life. Over 80 percent of Secondary level Mathematics teachers’ in this study were using daily life situations to understand the concepts and gain the fundamental knowledge of other subjects such as Environment, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Art and Culture, Sports, Weather Forecasting, Industry among the students. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INDO-CHINA POLICY - RETHINKING TIES WITH EACH OTHER 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Mohd Aftab Siddiqui . People are aware that India and China's relationship is stressed and contemporary. The majority of political specialists believe that the world's political system is shifting as power shifts from the West to the East. China and India, the two nations with the largest populations, are beginning to proclaim their identities and are becoming economic superpowers. China and India, the two largest countries in the region, will play a significant role in determining the course of the 21st century. Even while ties between India and China have improved in recent years, they rmain very complex and difficult to describe. Despite frequent border conflicts and economic nationalism in both nations, the two have attempted to cooperate economically till now. With the positive relations in mind, countries are trying to synchronise and grow together while the concerns seem complex with recent disputes, boycotts, pandemic etc. The paper has attempted to understand the relatable dimensions and actions both governments took for a better relationship. The results identified that future seems bright for both nations but, they need to cooperate and grow together leaving tensions apart. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFFECT OF ATTENDANCE ON THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF GIRLS AND BOYS IN SELECTED SCHOOLS OF CHANDIGARH 2023-02-20T10:21:50+01:00 Manpreet . Mann . Dazy . Zarabi . Schools play an important role in development of children and regular attendance in school helps in academic achievement, well being, self-esteem of children. This research studied 242 students for their academic achievement and their attendance in school. The results show that attendance in school is positively correlated with academic achievement. Key words: School attendance, academic achievement, School going adolescents. Schools play an important role in overall development of children and adolescents. Schools have been sites for resilience oriented programming because of the easy access they provide to youth and are the link between academic success, school engagement and other child development goals like well-being, self-esteem and self-efficacy (Ungar et al 2004). Research shows that attendance in school is an important factor in student achievement. Attendance in classrooms and in schools ensures continuity in the students learning process. When a student is absent from class whether unexcused or excused, it has an adverse effect on their academic performance and academic achievement. To understand the correlation between academic achievement and attendance, a study was carried out on school-enrolled adolescent girls and boys in schools across Chandigarh. 2022-09-01T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##