Causes and mitigation of Uttrakhand disaster

  • Dhruv Sen Singh Associate Professor, Centre of Advanced Study in Geology University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007, India
Keywords: Himalaya, disaster, cloud burst, landslides, flash floods


Himalaya is the home of glaciers and store house of natural resources. It is the birth place of all the perennial rivers of India and has attracted international attention due to its natural beauty. The Himalaya which provides the social, economical and political security to India is affected by various disasters from last few decades, which causes loss of life and property. On 16 and 17 June, 2013, cloud burst induced landslides blocked the Mandakini River and its tributaries and formed the ephemeral lakes. Bursting of these lakes causes flash floods which washed out the settlements and roads and caused huge devastation in Uttarakhand state mainly in Kedarnath region, never witnessed so far.