Efficient Management and Security of Data by Data Base Management System (DBMS)

  • Rakesh Kumar Singh Scientist-D, Information Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant Himalaya Paryavaran and Development Institute, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora-263601, Uttarakhand, India
  • Ranjan Singh M.C.A. Student, LG.N.O.U., New Delhi, India
Keywords: Data, Information, Database, DBMS, Software, Schema, DDL, DML.


Nowadays, it is very important to securely store data and informatin in various institution. With respect to information, everyone wishes that by a click of the mouse, all the desired and stored information come to the front. Database is very important for us to work with the information. Database plays an important role in keeping all the information in one place. Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of computer programs which provides the ability to the user to create, manipulate and maintain database.