Green House effect: a global problem

  • Niranjani Chaurasia Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Sri J.N.P.G. College, Lucknow-226001, U.P. India
Keywords: Atmospheric, Green House Gases, Green House Effect, Halocarbons


The earth's natural climate has always been and still constantly changing. Greenhouse effect is warming of the surface of the earth by a complex process involving sunlight, trace gases and particles in the atmosphere. Some of the heat energy escapes to the space but much of it is trapped by the layers of atmospheric greenhouse gases to outer space and get absorbed. Thus the earth's lower atmosphere heats up. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon and vital to life. Without the greenhouse effect the earth's average temperature would be -18°C, instead of current average temperature of 15°C. However, problem arise when the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH, N20, Os, halocarbons and water vapour increases.