Role of ICI in Higher Education

  • Shweta Sinha Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, National P.D. College, Lucknow-226001, U.P., India
  • Shalini Lamba Head, Department Of Computer Science, National P.D. College, Lucknow-226001, U.P., India.
Keywords: ICT, Higher Education, Teaching and learning, Administration


ICT is a broader term that includes all technologies for the communication of information. It is the technology that enables the handling (creation, storage, and access) of information and facilitates different forms of communication (radio, television, cellular phones, computer, hardware and software, various services and applications for broadcasting information. The development of ICT has influenced all walks of life like agrkulture, health, decision making, administration, and also education is no exception to this. This article focuses on the role of ICT in higher education. ICT is potentially a powerful tool for extending educational opportunities and resulting in a remarkable growth in the higher education sector and leading to quality enhancements. The government is spending a lot of money on ICT: the National Mission on Education is emphasizing on the role of ICT in increasing the enrolment ratio in higher education and availability of trained teachers in the process of dissemination of education. The main factors that affect the adoption of ICT in education are the mission or goal of a particular system, programs and curricula, teachingdearning strategies and techniques, learning material and resources, communication, support and delivery systems, students, tutors, staff and other experts, management and evaluation.