Study of multipurpose tree Taad (Borassus flebellifer Linn.) in lifestyle of tribes of Dhar district(M.P.)

  • Ansingh Chouhan Research Scholar, Barkatullah University, Bhopal-262026, M.P., India
  • Jagrati Tripathi Unique Degree College, Barkatullah University, Bhopal-262026, M.P., India
  • Narpat Singh Dawar Govt. Maharaja Bhoj Degree College, Dhar-454001, M.P., India
Keywords: Dhar district, Taad(Borassus flebellifer Linn.).


The present research work aims at uses, nutritive value and economic importance of Taad tree(Borassus flebellifer Linn.) in the daily life of the tribal inhabitants of this area. Dhar district is basically tribal dominated with most of its area covered with extensive forests. Taad is the dominant tree species of these forests. The paper reveals that Taad fulfills most of the requirements and daily needs of the people of this area. This is evidenced by the fact that every family owned an average of 6-15 tree.