Gautama Buddha as a VaidyaRaj- with special reference to Mahavaggapali

  • Durgesh Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology D.A.V. P.G. College, Lucknow-226004, U.P., India.
Keywords: Bhesajja, Vaidyaraj, ghee, butter, oil, honey, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, basil, amla, asafetida, jaundice, sea-salt, black salt etc.


Medical use to natural plants and food stuff in Buddha Period. The Buddha kalin Literature disclose that when ever Buddha came across to any of his ailing disciple/monk, he preached for taking certain type of Food and drinks. Prepared from natural plants and vegetable. Oils also prepared with a mixture of wine, was also allowed as Medicine. Steam bath was allowed for rheumatic troubles.