Earth protection

  • Rashmi Singh Associate Professor, Department of Economics Pratap Bahadur Post Graduate College, Pratapgarh City-232002, U.P., India
Keywords: Global warming, sustainable development, UNFCC.


In the race to become a developed country, we are over utilizing as well as exploiting our natural resources, as a result we are facing problems like global warming, pollution, depletion of resources and so on. Now the time has come that we pay attention to these problems and protect life on earth, otherwise we will suffer serious consequences. Inter-generational equity and intra-generational equity are key aspects for sustainable development. For sustainable development, protection of environment is essential. Likewise, for protection of environment the adoption of policy of sustainable development is essential. At the 70th United Nations General Assembly session, sustainable development goals were adopted. In December 2015, at Paris there was a historical climate change agreement. Paris Agreement is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [UNFCCC]. The Paris deal is the world’s first comprehensive climate agreement. India presented its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions [INDC] in October 2015. These are important steps towards protection of our beautiful earth.