Use of Chemical Pesticides for Crop Protection-A Critical Analysis

  • Ram Kathin Singh Devlok Colony, Church Road, Vishnupuri, Aliganj, Lucknow-226022, India.
Keywords: Pesticide, Pheromone-trap, biopesticides


The application of chemical pesticides for pest control is quite common. However, due to lack of proper knowledge about type, dose and time of application, the farmer often suffers both in terms of crop loss and health. Often, the deaths in rural areas are related to pesticides use. Several technologies related to crop protection have been developed by the scientists which need to be promoted to avoid such losses and also reducing the cost of cultivation. This includes changes in farm management practices, application of biopesticides, pheromone traps, integrated pest management, etc. Farmers need to be made aware and properly trained in pest management, in which media, intellectuals and NGO' s can play a vital role.