Study of frustration in personality traits on the basis of socio-econimic level of students studying at secondry level

  • Brijesh Kumar Yadav Department of B.Ed., Shri Raja Krishnadutt P.G. College, Jaunpur-222 001, U.P., India
  • Mayanand Upadhyay Department of B.Ed., Shri Raja Krishnadutt P.G. College, Jaunpur-222 001, U.P., India
Keywords: Socio-econimic level, personality traits, students studying at secondry level


Education is the main stay of child’s development. Education provides the basis for all the dimension of his personality, physical, mental, social, character and economic. The famous psychologist allport has said in relation to personality that personality is the facutal organization of those psycho-physical qualities with in the individual that establishes a unique adjustment with the environment. In this way, all aspects of a child’s life have a direct or indirect effect of his personality. From this point of view the socio-economic status of the child appears to be influencing personality as an influencing factor. Low socio-economic level in the child gives rise to frustrated hesistant inferiority and frustration while high socio-economic level is a strong factor in establishing adjustment.