HIV and AIDS: Information, Prevention and Cure

  • Sudhir Mehrotra Associate Professor, Department of Bio-chemistry University of Lucknow, Luckeow(U.P.)-226007, India.
  • Khushwant Singh Associate Professor, Department of Bio-chemistry University of Lucknow, Luckeow(U.P.)-226007, India.
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In today's world HIV is one of the most potent mass killer. According to WHO survey in 2010 there are 34 million people who are infected with HIV and attained AIDS. Every year ) about 1.8 million people die with AIDS and 2.7 million new person become infected with HIV. AIDS is a secondary immunodeficiency caused by HIV virus that belongs to retroviral family. During AIDS Teen count in blood falls tremendously below 200 cells 11- that proves to be fatal in about 2-3 years. HIV can be transmitted from one person to another by unprotected homosexual or heterosexual sex, by transfusion of blood infected with HIV, by needle sharing between drug or steroid abusers, from mother to child during childbirth or during breast feedhig, Sexually Transrained (STD's) increase the threat of IHV infemion. During AIDS many opportunistic infe.ons and other hnmunodeficiencitt occur frequently that usually have negligible chances A affect a normal healthy person. Rashes on skirt decrease in CDT' Tcell count, Ass of stamina all these effects symptomises that person might be infected by HIV. Presence of HIV infection can be diagnosed by techniques like ELISA and HIV infection can be confirmed by Western Bloning or by counting the C1240thell count in infected permis blood by using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter (FACS) These techniques can confirm if person N HIV positive or HIV negative. Highly Active Anti Retro.. Therapy (HAART) H the best practice present at current against AIDS. HAART uses cocktail of two or more drugs which generally include two nucleoside reveme trans.thase inhibitors (DIVII0) with either non-nucleoside reverse trans.ptase inhibitor (FART!!) or thtegrase inhibitor or protmse inhibitor Due to HAART morbidity and morality rates have deNeased tremcedously. Although therapeutic success rates have alce been increased the Me emergence of Mug resistant mutants and persistence of viral rmervolls limits Me success of HAART. It was found Berths patient of HIV who was hying on HAART was transplathed with bone manow from a person who was homozygous for CCR5022.1th deAtion i.e. deletion of one base ptir on 32 position in CCM gene after which patient became resists. to HIV infection when he Mscontinued the HAART tilerapy and live MA a normal person viral pMicles and viral reservoir were vathshed from his blood. DM observation laid the basis for use of gene therapy against AID. By modifying stem cells taken from bone marrow in Mfich using gene Merapy genes for disrupted CCR5 wme inserted in place of nonnal CCR5 gene md then the cc. were reimplanted in hone marrow Mer which they stoned producing .7 resistam blood cells. Another observation was that modifying stem cells to produce interfering RNAs hie sense RNA AS!?!!! RNA, riborymes Mat hcerfete M viral reptication cycle or host cell function that is requir. for viral rephcation also provided good results to produce anti-HIV centime system, Like HAART which combination of many drugs are used in similar way if many anti-HIV gen. ate used simultaneously to modify stem cells targeting different points in viral life cycle provide better muth than muhs acquired by use of single anti-HIV gene us eradicate HIV infection. Although gene therapy h. provided good results against HIV infection but Is irs IDA state and have nut hem us. on humans yet.