Mathematics of aero-a technical analysis

  • Rama Jain Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics Mahila Vidyalaya P.O. College Aminabad, Lucknow(U.P.b226018, India
Keywords: History, invention, Arithmetic, Algebra, limiting number, infinity and indefinite form.


Zero was invented in India at the beginning of A.D.'s so that it becomes easier to write a number at the base of ten. Indian zero was disseminated towards westem countries as an unavoidable part dr numbers in the history of Mathematics. However, Indian zero is a multi-faceted mathematical object, a symbol, a magnitude, a number, a direction separator and a place holder, all in one operating within a fully established 'Decimal number system", and is useful in Arithmetic as well as in Algebra. Its infinity and indef mite forms are also equally important.