Water quality assessment of Rihand Reservoir(GBPS) through bio-monitoring

  • Sadhana Chaurasia Head, Department of Energy and Environment , M.G.C.G.V. Chitrakoot, Satna-485331,M.P. India
  • Anand Dev Gupta Research Scholar,Department of Energy and Environment, M.G.C.G.V. Chitrakoot, Sat na-485331
Keywords: Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar , Water quality , bio-monitoring , BSA idex.


Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar has an importantplace in country’s economy. It is the major source of water for all the industries established in singrauli area and the local population . Therefore the water quality of GBPS reservoir is important for the regional and the local people. At present quality or testing of water is not possible without well equipped laboratory and many times these laboratories data do not reach the local people therefore simple method of bio-monitoring is used to determined by the presence of various biotic species and their dominance.Benthic micro inver-terbrtes are used for bio-monitoring in this study. BSA index and cumulative water qualityindex seems to be a good meaningful and sensitive indicator which gives the location of climate and pollution indication clearly. The BSA index of Rihand river was and before entry into GBPS re-servoir but after mixing with reservoir it became2. 78 due to load of various pollutants. Maximum sampling station on GBPS reservoir were having BSA index less which is a matter of concen.