Study of Alkaloids in Fabaceous Plants of Magadh Region

  • Vikas Kumar P.G. Department of Botany Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Gaya-824234, Bihar,India
  • Nandjee Kumar P.G. Department of Botany Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Gaya-824234, Bihar,India
Keywords: Desmodium gangeticum(l) DC. Melilouts alba (l) , Indegofera linifobia retz, Psoralea corylifobia, tephrosia Purpurea (l) Pers,n-butyl acetate, n-butanol, acetic acid, ammonia, ethanol.


The present paper deals with the study of alkaloids in Fabaceous plants in Magadh Region. Alkaloids are basic mitenseous plant products possessing nitrogen heterocyclic as their structural units with a pronounced physiological action. From the pharmacological point of view the alkaloids of five Fabaceous plant sports i. e. Desmodium gangeticum(L)DC., Melilotus alba (L), linfobia Retz. Psorlea corylifobia and Tephrasia purpurea (L) pers may be useful for different diseases like poles, syphilis, gonorroserine flow , menstruation trouble and kidney disorder , Desecending paper chromatography on whatever paper no I and three solvent system were used viz.n-butyl acetate , acetic acid, n-butanol, water (85:40:15:22, sovent-1),n-buanol, acetic acid, water (4:1:2,solvent-2) and ethanol, ammonia (4:1,solvent-3) Our results revealed that seven alkaloids viz.,β-phenyl thylamine,Ndimethyl tryptamine, Nb-oxide,N-methyl teramine, Hordanine, Hypahorine and Candicine wer detected in Demodium Gangeticum (L) DC. Five alkaloids, .,β-phenyl thylamine, n-dimethyl tryptamine, Nb-oxide, Hordamine, Nb-oxide, Hordanine and Candicine have been reported in Igegofera linifobia Retz. Five alkaloids, n-dimethyl tryptamine, Nb-oxide, N-methyl teramine, Hordanine and Hypaphorine have been reported in psoralea corylifobia. Five alkaloids,n-dimethyl tryptamine, Nb-oxide, n-methyl teramine, Hordanine and Hypaphorine have been reported in Tephrosia purpurea (L) Pers.