Mineral deposits of Pithoragarh district, Uttarakhand

  • R. A. Singh Associate Professor , Department of Geology L.S.M. Government P.G. College, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand , India
Keywords: mineral,metal,nonmetal,deposit,pithoragarh, Himalay.


Pithoragah district (29.4°-30.3°"N and 80°-81°E )" covers an area of 7090 k"m" ^(2 )and incorporates the entire Himalayan par. In Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand Himalaya , Lesser, Higher and Tethys Himalayan rocks are present. In the Lesser Himalayan rocks of Pithoragah district the tectonic succession is Rautgara Formation, Deoban-Mandhali Formation, Bering Formatin and Munsiyari Formation . Pithoragarh is well known for metallic and no-metallic mineral occurrences. At present , magnesite , talc, limestone and dolomite are available in sufficiently large quantities for profitably extraction. In this research paper, extimated/confirmed reserve deposits, genesis and distribution of metal/nonmetal mineral have and been described in detail of Pithoragarh district, Uttarakhand.