Scientific study of yajya-A review

  • Meera Vani Associate Professor and Head, Department of Sanskrit B.S.N.V.P.G. College, Lucknow-226001,U.P.,India
Keywords: Devapujana, unity, charity, heat, sound, pathogenic, spiritual, neurosis, psychological, pollution, atmosphere.


“Yajya” is the basic foundation of Vedic religion, culture and thought. Presently the whole of humankind is suffering from pollution. Our Vedic Rishi has always emphasized the importance of “Yajya” to maintain the natural balance. “Yajay” is the Process of herbal sacrifies in to the holy fire, It not only aimed for spiritual benefits but also had scientific and therapeutic values . “Yajaya” being using two basic energy systems in the physical world – 1 . Sound energy( in the form of mantras ) and 2. Heat energy(in form or fire ) , created a recreation in the environment. This is achieved by establishing thereby making life more disease free , Yajya’s literal menaing is healing process. It heals the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere would heal manking. Scientific study has found that the electrons generated during this process purity the blood and prevent the growth of pathogenic organism like T.B., Asthma , Measles, Chickenpox, Skin diseases, and Lung Cancer etc. Scientists have showed that “ Yajya” is being used an a excellent remedy for the treatment of various mental disorder like psychosis depression etc. Thus, “Yajya : is beneficial for environment and human should opt it in their day to day life for the sake disease free and healthy life in future.